Life Recaptured Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not for profit organization and your contribution is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. EIN: 83-2920883

Major Business Donors
Our mission is too big to fight alone. We call on our local businesses, churches, and other organizations to aid us as we strive to provide refuge and freedom for victims of sex trafficking. Thank you to every single person, business, and organization that has contributed to the mission of Life Recaptured.
*If we have unintentionally left off any major business donor, please email us right away. That is never our intention.
Our Coalition Partners
Our Coalition Groups are partners with Life Recaptured and have committed to working with Life Recaptured as alliances for our cause. These organizations give to Life Recaptured monetarily, event co-hosting, through their resources, and clinical therapy sessions, just to name a few alliance services. We are so honored to have their allegiance.
*Listed in alphabetical order
Our Loyal BusinessSponsors
We want to show support for the many churches, businesses, and organizations that have and remain Loyal Business Sponsors to Life Recaptured. These businesses and organizations give from their heart and their own mission within the community.
We could not have started our mission without our Loyal Business Sponsors and their representatives.
Remember to keep scrolling to check out our Business Partnership Packages & our Coalition Groups section.
*Names are listed in alphabetical order. If we have missed a business or organization, please email us at info@liferecaptured.org. It is never our intention to leave any sponsors out of our appreciation.
American Building & Contracting
Bluewave LLC
Brevard Lumber
Brown & Zohar Law, Tampa FL
By Leilany
Carin Reinventions
Catholic Charities of Central Florida
Central Life Church
Climate Experts
Cocoa First Assembly
D. Bell General Contracting, LLC
Duda Family Philanthrophy Project
Eagle Woodworks
East Coast Christian Center
Edgewater Methodist Church
Frank B. Huddleston/American Legion/Bonnie and Sarah
Georgianna United Methodist Church
Great Outdoors Community Church
Island Community Church
JSK Group/Jabbers
Keller Williams, Emily Merbitz
Lori Clark’s Lorpabees
MOPS Organization
Network for Good
New Standard Electric
Retter Capital Management
Rocket Dogs
Ron Jon Surf Shop, Cocoa FL
Space Coast Christian Fellowship Inc.
Space Coast Region PCA-Porsche Club
Spade and Trowel Garden Club
The Home Depot, Merritt Island FL
The Landing Rooftop
The Melby Hotel
The Pharmacy, Merritt Island FL
The Rocking L. Ranch
Trinity Fitness of Melbourne
Wright Family Trust
ZONTA Club of Melbourne