Life Recaptured offers women who are trapped in sexual exploitation a way to refuge and freedom. Working with the community, we strive to eradicate sex trafficking through awareness, prevention, and restoration.
We offer a complete approach to bringing solutions to end sex trafficking and heal survivors through physical and mental health care, case management, spiritual guidance, and mentorship.

Through the teaching of God's words and love, we are committed to end the epidemic of sex slavery and oppression.
Life Recaptured provides a safe and compassionate haven where women can find healing, education, and empowerment to take back their lives.

Crisafulli Groves has been in existence since the early 1900’s when our Co-Founder, Chuck Crisafulli's Grandfather, Carmelo Crisafulli, settled in Merritt Island, Florida and began to plant what would become some of the premier citrus fruit in the world! Grandpa and Grandma were known to us as Nona and Noni, as we are Italian. All of Nona and Noni’s children continued in the citrus business and our Dad, Ben Crisafulli along with his cousin and brother propagated the Crisafulli Navel, an amazing orange that was just recently recognized by the Florida Department of Agriculture. We will be selling these trees, locally and will be able to ship to some areas of the United States, very soon.
Dad and Mom’s, (Mary Crisafulli), hard work and their faith in God, has left us a legacy of awesome oranges, grapefruit and specialty fruit that we offer for sale and will ship, just about anywhere. You and your friends and loved ones can enjoy the juicy, sweet Florida citrus that our family and area is famous for, in your own homes, for holidays, special events or just as a great, healthy way of living!
For many of our customers, their box of Crisafulli Groves fruit is a staple under the Christmas Tree or on the Thanksgiving table. I remember all the uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. coming over to Aunt Mary and Uncle Ben’s for the holidays and we’d all be walking around the yard with tangerine, or navel or grapefruit juice running all over our chins and down our arms, seriously, it doesn’t get much better than that!
The legacy of Crisafulli Groves from our Grandparents, Mom and Dad is our desire to be a blessing to God’s work, it’s only fitting that we can be the backbone of Life Recaptured! Besides supporting this vision financially, Crisafulli Groves will assist the residents with growing their own produce and fruit to make the facility self sustaining.